Terms Of Service

(valid and effective as of 30 May 2024)
Operator: POWERPLAY MANAGER, s.r.o.

Art. 1 - Opening provisions

  1. Terms of Service and End-User License Agreement (hereinafter as "ToS") determine and amend the rules between the operator and the users who have registered in any of the games of the operator or installed it on their devices (hereinafter as "users"). These ToS are binding to all users of the games operated by the operator (hereinafter as "game" or "games"). The games may consist of several independent units, representing the various game servers.
  2. The operator of the games is POWERPLAY MANAGER, s.r.o., with headquarters at Budatínska 57, 851 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Company registration number: 36 722 405, registered in the Commercial register of the Bratislava I District Court, department: Sro, entry no.: 43978/B (hereinafter as "operator"). Contact data of the operator:
         a) phone number: +421915637243
         b) e-mail: support[a]powerplay.studio
  3. The games may be provided via their internet domain or several platforms including, but not limited to, iOS (Apple’s App Store), Android (Google Play), Facebook social network, Amazon platform (hereinafter as "platforms"). If the user uses the game via third party platforms, the user agrees with the terms of use of these platforms as well.
  4. The game is considered as fully delivered to the user:
         a) at the moment of completion of its download/installation by the user on the respective device, or
         b) at the moment when the user is given access to the game via an online telecommunication method, or
         c) at the moment when the game becomes available for use for the user.

Art. 2 – Description of the game

  1. The game is provided by the operator for the user in a way to enable the user to play it. The game is provided on the basis of a license. The operator enables the user to buy gems, credits or other premium currency for real money. These gems, credits or other premium currency enable the user to purchase, at the user's sole discretion, virtual services that increase the comfort of the gameplay. Gems, credits or other premium currency are a virtual currency which the user can use within the game exclusively and under the terms and conditions specified in these ToS (hereinafter as "premium currency").
  2. The "game" denotes software programs distributed, published or otherwise made available by the operator including, but not limited to, accessible via a browser or other online communication method and downloadable/installable for mobile phones and other devices.
  3. The games are designed for devices supporting internet browsers (e.g. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox) always in their current version or devices using the operating systems of the respective platform.
  4. The operator provides virtual services, which the user may purchase or activate by premium currency or in special cases by real money (hereinafter as "premium services"). The exact content and character of premium services shall always be specified on the respective page of the game so that the user can peruse them before purchase.
  5. The operator reserves the right to provide special discounts or offers to certain groups of users selected by the operator for the purposes of increasing the sales of premium services.
  6. The operator reserves the right to modify, amend, remove or add features to premium services at any time without prior notice. In such cases the users are not entitled to claim any compensation or refund of premium currency or money.
  7. The operator reserves the right to modify, amend, remove or add premium services at any time without prior notice. In case a premium service is removed from the offer, it will not be possible to purchase or activate it any more. Premium services purchased or activated before the date of removal will remain functional until their purchased period expires.
  8. The user may purchase premium currency or premium services for prices listed on the pages of the game.
  9. The payment for premium currency or premium services sold by the operator for real money, will be realized via third party non-cash payment services. The premium currency or premium services will be provided to the user after the payment has been processed by the system of the operator. It may take several days to process the payment depending on the payment method. Any payment related claims must be sent by the user via e-mail to the address listed on the pages of the respective game or to finance[a]powerplay.studio with the exact identification of the game, server and user account.
  10. For the purposes of these ToS, a user account is an account that serves for authentication and management of user activities. It can be created either for a specific game or universally for several games. This account allows the user to access game content, track progress, save game data, communicate with other users, and manage personal settings and preferences within the game environment.
  11. The operator will issue an invoice for the user upon purchase of premium currency or premium services sold by the operator for real money. The invoice will be sent to the user's inbox in the user's game account or to the email address associated with the account where the user will be able to download it, fill out his/her name and address and print it. If a user requests the invoice to be sent via mail, the user is obligated to cover the postage costs. The request to send the invoice via mail must be sent to the e-mail address listed on the pages of the respective game or to finance[a]powerplay.studio with the exact identification of the game, server and user account. The operator does not issue invoices for purchases where the operator serves only as a subcontractor, but the user may request the invoice from the third party through which the purchase was made. The operator likewise does not issue invoices for purchases made on the platforms.
  12. The operator may offer one-time offers which the user can only buy once. One-time offers may contain premium currency, premium services or a combination of both. If the user manages to buy a one-time offer multiple times in any way, instead of receiving the contents of the offer multiple times, the user will receive an amount of premium currency in the same value as the price of the purchased package. The user may object to this solution within 24 hours of the processing of the transaction via e-mail to the address listed on the pages of the respective game or to finance[a]powerplay.studio with the exact identification of the game, server and user account.
  13. Premium currency from the user account obtained by purchase or as a prize or a reward from the operator, may only be used inside the game and nowhere else. The user is not entitled to monetary compensation for premium currency, except in cases described in art. 2, section 17 of these ToS. The ownership of premium currency does not entitle the user to any financial obligation of the operator.
  14. The operator reserves the right to change the prices of the premium services at any time. The current prices are always displayed on the corresponding pages of the game.
  15. The operator reserves the right to change the prices of premium currency at any time for any type of payment method. The current prices are always displayed on the corresponding page of the game.
  16. The games may include competitions or tournaments which the users may participate in after paying the entry fee in premium currency. The entry fee paid by the users goes to the operator. At the same time the operator provides prizes for these competitions. The prizes in these competitions may be in-game money, in-game components or premium currency which the users cannot use outside the game. The users are not entitled under any circumstances to request remuneration for premium currency or other obligations from the operator.

    If a competition fails to take place (e.g. because of insufficient number of participants or other reason), the entry fee is refunded in full to the participants.

    The results of the competition are influenced exclusively by the effectiveness of the participating game characters or teams. The users directly influence their results e.g. by the way they train their characters, by the lineup or tactics they select for their teams or, in some cases, by the way they control their characters directly. Therefore the results of the competitions are not random, but they are influenced by the strategy chosen by the users or by the skills of the users themselves.
  17. The user is entitled to a refund of money paid on one of the operator’s domains for premium currency or premium services or refund of premium currency used to purchase or activate premium services only under the following conditions:

         a) The user is entitled to a refund of money spent on premium currency if the user requests a refund within 14 days since the processing of the purchase within the operator’s system. The refunded amount will be reduced by a 25% service charge from the sum in question (with the minimum service charge being €15). If the user spends a part or the whole amount of the purchased premium currency, he/she is no longer entitled to a refund of money.

         b) There are no refunds for premium currency which the user has not acquired by purchase during the last 14 days under any circumstances.

         c) The user is entitled to a refund of premium currency or money used to purchase or activate any of the premium services only if the operator confirms faulty function of these premium services and cannot fix them without the user being damaged. In such cases the operator will refund the premium currency or money in full amount. In case the user paid for the faulty premium services with premium currency, he/she may only request refund of premium currency and not refund of money. For the purposes of this provision, a faulty function of a premium service is defined as a complete failure of this service, i.e. a situation when the premium service is impossible to use. If it is possible to use the premium service to a limited extent (only some features of the premium services do not function or do not function correctly), this is not considered as a faulty function. If it is possible to use the premium feature only to a limited extent, the user is entitled to a refund of a proportionate part of premium currency or money used to purchase or activate this service, which the operator will determine based on the extent of the limitation. If the operator deems it suitable, instead of the refund of a proportionate part of premium currency or money, they may choose an alternative compensation in the equivalent value in relation with the player.

         d) The user may request refund of premium currency or money used to activate or purchase premium services in accordance with par. c) of this section within 7 days since its purchase or activation.

         e) If the user does not meet all the above conditions, his/her request for refund of premium currency or money will not be accepted.

         f) The refund of money is realized by the paypal payment service (with the exception of credit or debit card payments) located on the website https://www.paypal.com. The request for refund of money must be sent via e-mail to the address listed on the pages of the respective game or to finance[a]powerplay.studio with the exact identification of the game, server and user account. The refund of money from credit or debit card payments is sent directly to the respective card after deduction of the service charge. The money will be refunded within 30 days from the reception of the request.
  18. If the user is using the game on third party platforms, the operator does not refund money spent by the user on these platforms on the purchase of premium currency or premium services sold by the operator for real money. In such cases, the refund of money spent on premium currency or premium services sold by the operator for real money is at the sole discretion of the platform operators and subject to terms valid for the respective platform.
  19. If the user requests a refund of money and this refund is processed, the operator has the right to block the respective user account. In case the operator receives a request from a financial institution or a platform to refund money spent on purchases of premium currency or premium services, the operator reserves the right to block the respective user account upon the receipt of such request.

Art. 3 – Registration of the user for the game / Installation of the game

  1. The user expresses his/her unqualified assent to these ToS and rules of the game by registering in the game, installing the game on his/her device or by accepting these ToS, acknowledges that the ToS are only available in English and Slovak languages, agrees with this fact and understands their content. The user also agrees that the game will start being provided before the expiration of the period for rescission of the contract and declares that he/she was duly informed of this fact in terms of art. 7, section 1 of these ToS. The rules of the game can typically be found on the pages of the respective games and they may vary from game to game.
  2. By purchasing premium currency or premium services provided by the operator for real money, the user confirms that he/she agrees with these ToS, that he/she is over 16 years old, that he/she is qualified and authorized to make the payment and that he/she makes it willingly and without pressure and is aware of the fact that the game is provided for an indefinite period of time in accordance with the ToS.

Art. 4 – Terms of playing and operating the game

  1. The game is intended for leisure time and personal use. The operator does not give any warranties that the game will work without interruptions or errors. The game is provided "as is" and it may contain errors and it may also be unavailable from time to time in whole or in part due to technical maintenance, connection interruption or other reasons. The operator is not liable for any consequences of any errors or technical interruptions including any loss or damage of data.
  2. The user must be at least 16 years of age to use the game. If the user is 18 years of age or older, he/she represents by registering in the game or by installing the game on his/her device that he/she is competent to carry out all the actions in connection with the usage of the game. If the user is between the ages of 16 and 18, he/she represents by registering in the game or by installing the game on his/her device that he/she has been given permission from his/her legal guardian to carry out all the actions in connection with the usage of the game. If a person is not at least 16 years of age, or if a person does not have the aforementioned permission from his/her legal guardian, the user must not register in the game or install the game on his/her device and therefore is not authorized to use the game. The operator does not knowingly collect data about persons under 16 years of age.
  3. The operator or any other affiliated company is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or special damage or damage caused by punishments awarded by administrators to a user resulting from the user's conduct in the game or damage caused by usage of the game or inability to use the game or purchased services.
  4. The user acknowledges and agrees with the fact that he/she uses the game at his/her own risk. The operator bears no legal liability for the user's game account, it's loss or deletion.
  5. The operator reserves the right to intervene into the game or to make any modifications or changes in the game without prior notification of the users. In such cases the users are not entitled to claim any compensation or refund of premium currency or money.
  6. The operator reserves the right to change the design, focus and/or functional content of the game as well as prices of premium currency, premium services and products related to the game. In case of such changes to the game or prices of premium currency, premium services and products related to the game, the users are not entitled to claim any compensation or refund of premium currency or money.
  7. The user is aware of the fact that the game and system specifications required to play the game may change over time. The operator reserves the right to change or increase the system specifications required to play the game - whether it be free or with activated premium services - at any time without prior notification. In such cases the users are not entitled to claim any compensation or refund of premium currency or money.
  8. The operator reserves the right to limit the users' access to the game due to maintenance or technical or other reasons for a necessary period of time without prior notification. In such and similar cases the users are not entitled to claim any compensation or refund of premium currency or money. The operator does not give any warranties that the game will be always accessible and that there will be no loss of data. The operator also cannot give any warranties that the game will not be terminated or that there will be no loss of game data due to force majeure (e.g. conduct of platforms or unauthorized interference in the game by a third party). Also in such cases the users are not entitled to claim any compensation or refund of premium currency or money.
  9. The operator is solely responsible for providing the game support and maintenance. The operator and the user acknowledge that the platform operators do not provide any game support or maintenance.
  10. The game is operated for an indefinite period of time. The operator reserves the right to terminate operation of the game or any of the game servers at any time. The operator also reserves the right to terminate operation of the game on any of the platforms. In such cases the users will be notified about the termination on the corresponding pages of the game at least 3 months before the termination in case of the games Cycling Legends: Team Manager, Summer Sports Mania, Winter Sports Mania, Athletics Mania, Ski Jump Mania 3, Ski Legends, Biathlon Mania, Tennis Mania, Ski Jump Mania Penguins, Tennis Duel, Boxing Duel, Racing Duel and Army Duel, 12 months in case of the game PowerPlay Manager and 7 days in case of the other games. The termination of the game on the particular platforms is not subject to prior notification if the game is terminated (or its operation banned on the respective platform) by the platform operator. Also in the cases mentioned above, the users are not entitled to claim any compensation or refund of premium currency or money. Users who register or install the game on their devices after such announcement will be informed about the termination of the game immediately after registration or installation of the game on their devices.
  11. The user is responsible for all his/her acts related to the use and playing of the game.
  12. The user is not entitled to claim any compensation for the damage caused by a game malfunction or any other reason related to the game as the game is provided "as is", without warranties of any kind in accordance with section 1 of this article, with which the user agrees. Furthermore, the user is not entitled to claim any compensation for the damage caused by a leakage of information required by the operator in order to activate the user's account in the game.

Art. 5 - Grant and scope of the license

  1. The operator hereby grants the user license to use the game. This license is granted to an individual. The game may only be used on a device that the user owns or controls and onto which the game has been downloaded and installed or on a device that the user owns or controls and through which the user uses or has access to the game by means of a browser or by other online communication method.
  2. The operator grants the user a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access the game exclusively for personal non-commercial entertainment purposes/use, without the possibility to sub-license the game. The license is granted to the user free of charge, however, the operator is authorized to collect fees for purchase of premium currency or premium services in accordance with art. 2 of these ToS. By accepting these ToS, the user agrees that he/she will not use the game for any purpose other than those stated above. The operator reserves all rights which are not expressly granted to the user by these ToS. If the user violates any terms established by these ToS (especially regarding art. 6 of these ToS) or the rules of the game, the operator reserves the right to revoke the license without notice.
  3. Regarding the granting of the license to the user it is especially not permitted:

         a) to decompile or reverse engineer the source code of the game,

         b) to supply copies of the game or any part of the game to third parties,

         c) to sub-license the game or to make the game available to third parties by rental, Software-as-a-Service constructs or otherwise,

         d) to modify the game,

         e) to remove or make unreadable notices about the operator as the copyright holder of the game,

         f) to violate the rules of the game.
  4. The delivery or use of the game does not transfer to the user any commercial or promotional use rights to the game.
  5. All rights to the game, accompanying documentation and all modifications and extensions thereto rest and remain with the operator. The user only acquires those rights and permissions that follow from these ToS. The user may not copy or publish the game, any of its parts or accompanying documentation.
  6. The user acknowledges that any questions and requests related to the license granted should be addressed to the operator exclusively and not the platform operators.

Art. 6 – Sanctions for violating the rules of the game

  1. The operator has the right to block or delete the user account if the user uses this account in conflict with the generally binding legal norms, good manners or with the generally accepted ethical and moral principles of the society. In such instances the user is not entitled to claim the refund of money spent on the purchase of premium currency or premium services and/or the refund of costs, if any, in connection with the provision of the user account.
  2. The operator has the right to block or delete the user account if the user uses this account in conflict with the rules of the game. In such instances the user is not entitled to claim the refund of money spent on the purchase of premium currency or premium services and/or the refund of costs, if any, in connection with the provision of the user account.
  3. The operator has the right to block or delete the user account if the user does not cooperate with the operator's administrators on investigation of events or situations concerning the game or if the user does not react sufficiently or at all to the appeals or requests of the operator's administrators. In such instances the user is not entitled to claim the refund of money spent on the purchase of premium currency or premium services and/or the refund of costs, if any, in connection with the provision of the user account.
  4. The unused premium currency and/or the financial value of the premium services purchased by the user, which will seize being provided to the user after the blocking or deletion of the user's account in the game due to the user's conduct as specified in art. 6 sections 1, 2 and 3 of these ToS, represent the contractual fine, as agreed between the operator and the user, for the above mentioned conduct of the user. All the rights and privileges of the user connected with the user account become null and void upon the blocking or deletion of the user account from the game.
  5. The decision to block the user's account or to award other in-game punishment is an exclusive right of the operator's administrators. It is possible to file an appeal via e-mail to the administrator, who blocked the account or awarded the punishment. The final decision, however, is binding for the user. The administrator may, under certain circumstances, condition the unblocking of the account by a concretely settled compensation by the user – e.g. by activating premium services or other form based on the agreement with the user which is considered as a form of contractual fine. Whether or not the return to the game via such compensation will be allowed to the user is exclusively at the administrator's discretion. The user may not automatically request such procedure under any circumstances. In case such compensation is accepted, the user will be allowed to return to the game with an in-game fine compensating for the potential profit resulting from the violation of the rules. A repeated violation of the rules by the same user will result in an immediate and irrevocable block of the user's account. By agreeing with these ToS, the user accepts that it is not possible to appeal the final decision of the administrator in any other institution and also accepts the fact that administrators have the exclusive right to judge whether the user is guilty or not and to enforce a corresponding punishment.
  6. The above mentioned reasons for blocking or deletion of the user's account in the game are not complete and the operator reserves the right to make a decision at its sole discretion whether the conduct of the user is violating these ToS or the rules of the game. If the operator determines that the user's conduct is in violation of the terms specified in these ToS or the rules of the game, the operator is authorized to block or delete the user's account in the game at its sole discretion.
  7. Blocking of the user’s account does not result in the termination of the contractual relationship between the user and the operator.

Art. 7 – Information for the user and termination of playing the game

  1. Information for the user according to § 4 section 8 of Act no. 102/2014 coll. of Slovakia
    By registering in the game, installing the game on his/her device or by accepting these ToS, the user authorizes the operator to start providing the game (electronic content) to the user before the expiration of the statutory period for rescission of the contract (14 days), thereby waives his/her right to rescind the contract in accordance with Act no. 102/2014 coll. of Slovakia on Consumer Protection for Selling Goods or Providing of Services Based on a Contract Agreed Remotely or Contract Agreed Outside of the Operating Premises of the Seller and on Amending and Supplementing of Certain Acts.

    This authorization is given at the moment of registration of the user in the game or installation of the game on the user's device or accepting these ToS and therefore the right to rescind a contract cannot be exercised in accordance with Act no. 102/2014 coll. of Slovakia on Consumer Protection for Selling Goods or Providing of Services Based on a Contract Agreed Remotely or Contract Agreed Outside of the Operating Premises of the Seller and on Amending and Supplementing of Certain Acts.

    The user hereby declares that he/she was duly informed that by registering in the game or installing the game on his/her device or accepting these ToS, he/she waives his/her right to withdraw from these ToS in accordance with Act no. 102/2014 coll. of Slovakia on Consumer Protection for Selling Goods or Providing of Services Based on a Contract Agreed Remotely or Contract Agreed Outside of the Operating Premises of the Seller and on Amending and Supplementing of Certain Acts.
  2. The user may terminate playing the game at any time by requesting the deletion of his/her account from the game via e-mail to the address listed on the pages of the respective game or to support[a]powerplay.studio with the exact identification of the game, server and user account. By such termination the contractual relationship between the user and the operator is also terminated. However, certain provisions of these ToS, the nature of which dictate so, remain in effect even after such termination of playing the game. It will not be possible to use the account after deletion. The request for deletion of a user's account must clearly state the desire for deletion of the user's account. Uninstalling the game from the user’s device does not delete the users account and therefore does constitute termination of playing the game.
  3. In case of deletion of the user account per user's own request, the user is not entitled to claim the refund of money for the remaining amount of premium currency on the user's account, nor transfer of premium currency to a different user account. The purchased unused premium services cannot be transferred to a different user account and the user is not entitled to claim a refund of money. Likewise the premium currency or money spent on activation or purchase of premium services will not be refunded. It is not possible to transfer the remaining amount of premium currency from one user account to another except for situations when this is specifically permitted by the operator upon a written request by the user. The permission of the operator to transfer gems is entirely at the discretion of the operator and it cannot be demanded in any way.

Art. 8 – User content

  1. "User content" means any communications, images, sounds, and all the material/means, data and information that the user may submit/upload or transmit in the game including, but not limited to, any chat text or in-game mail. By transmitting or submitting/uploading any user content while using the game, the user affirms, represents and warrants that such transmission or submission is:

         a) accurate and not confidential,

         b) not in violation of any laws, contractual restrictions or other third party rights, and that he/she has permission from any third party whose personal data or intellectual property is comprised in the user content,

         c) free of viruses, adware, spyware, worms or other malicious code,

         and acknowledges and agrees that any of the user’s personal data within such content will at all times be processed by the operator in accordance with these ToS and Privacy Policy.
  2. The operator reserves the right to review, monitor, prohibit, edit, delete, disable access to or otherwise make unavailable any user content at its sole discretion at any time without notice and for any or no reason.
  3. The operator assumes no legal responsibility for the user content submitted by the user on the pages of the operator and which is subject to intellectual property laws and provisions, especially the copyright laws and assumes no responsibility for monitoring the user content for inappropriate content. By agreeing with the rules of the game and these ToS, the user represents that he/she is authorized to handle all such content or that he/she owns the copyright to the content and that he/she bears legal responsibility in case the copyright is violated.
  4. The operator may, at its sole discretion, monitor and/or record the user’s communication in the game including, but not limited to, chat text or in-game mail during the usage of the game. By accepting the terms of these ToS, the user hereby gives his/her irrevocable consent to such monitoring and recording. The user acknowledges and agrees that he/she has no expectation of privacy concerning the transmission of any user content including, but not limited to, chat text or in-game mail.
  5. The user bears sole responsibility for the information that he/she posts via or in connection with the game and that the user provides to others. The operator may reject, refuse to publish or delete any user content for any or no reason.
  6. The operator is not liable for the content of the messages and e-mails sent by the users from their user accounts and the opinions expressed by the users of the game in the messages, texts or e-mails may not be in accordance with the opinions of the operator. Likewise, the operator is not liable for the texts and/or images inserted into the game interface by the user. If these texts or images violate the rules or if they are in conflict with the generally binding legal norms, good manners or with the generally accepted ethical and moral principles of the society, the operator has the right to immediately delete them at the discretion of the administrators. In such case the user is not entitled to claim any compensation.
  7. By posting the user content on the pages of the operator, the user automatically grants the operator the right and permission to use, reproduce, change, remove, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, exhibit and display this user content (in whole or in part) worldwide or the right to incorporate it to other works in any form, in any media or technology known at this time or invented later, without the right to royalty, not limited by time, irrevocably, non-exclusively and with the full right to sub-license it.
  8. The user is obligated to fully cooperate with the operator on the investigation of any suspected unlawful, fraudulent or improper activity, including, but not limited to, by granting the operator access to any password protected parts of the user’s account and for this purpose the user grants the operator his/her consent to access the parts of his/her account protected by password.

Art. 9 – Other provisions and terms of playing the game

  1. The operator is not liable for the damage caused by the abuse of password to the user account by third parties.
  2. The operator reserves the right to change these ToS without prior notification. The amended ToS come into effect on the day of their publishing. The user shall be informed about the change of ToS directly in the game on the day of publishing of the new ToS. The user is entitled to withdraw from the new ToS within 7 days since their publishing. The user must announce the withdrawal from the new ToS to the operator via e-mail to the address listed on the pages of the respective game or to support[a]powerplay.studio with the exact identification of the game, server and user account. The e-mail message must contain a clear statement that the user is withdrawing from the new ToS. Withdrawal from the ToS requested after the deadline, uncertain withdrawal or withdrawal without a clear statement that the user is withdrawing from the ToS as a result of their change by the operator is not valid. In case the operator does not receive an e-mail from the user about the withdrawal from the ToS within 7 days since the announcement of the change of ToS, it is considered that the user has agreed with these ToS and the changes within. A valid and effective withdrawal from these ToS renders the right of the user to use his/her account in the game null and void and the operator is entitled to delete the user’s account.
  3. The operator reserves the right to change the rules of the game without prior notification. Any change to the rules will always be published on the corresponding page of the game.
  4. The operator expressly warns that excessive play of computer and/or mobile games may cause health hazards and the operator is not liable for any health damage caused by the playing of the game.
  5. The user is aware of the fact that by playing the game and presentation of his/her thoughts, suggestions for improvements and ideas on the public or private forums in the game, the user does not gain any intellectual property rights in relation to the operator.
  6. All names and surnames of the fictitious characters depicted in the game, data related to these names and all the images of the faces published in the game are fictitious and any similarities to the names, appearance or personal data of the actual persons are purely coincidental.
  7. The user may have virtual game money (it may be referred to as cash or by other terms within the game) on his/her account, which he/she can use for various operations within the game. This game money may only be used inside the game and nowhere else. The user is not entitled under any circumstances to claim remuneration for game money. The ownership of game money does not entitle the user to financial or any other obligation of the operator.
  8. The operator reserves the right to provide game support to the user in English or Slovak language. The user may contact game support via e-mail at the addresses listed on the pages of the respective game, via the contact form on the pages of the game or via e-mail at support[a]powerplay.studio with the exact identification of the game, server and user account.
  9. The operator is solely eligible to resolve violations of the intellectual property rights related to the game or the user's usage of the game.
  10. By registering in the game or installing the game on his/her device, the user represents that:

         a) he/she is not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a "terrorist supporting" country, and

         b) he/she is not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.
  11. The operator and the user acknowledge and agree that Apple and its subsidiary companies are an authorized third party in connection with these ToS and as such are authorized to enforce these ToS in relation to the user.
  12. In case of any ambiguity or inconsistency in the content or interpretation of the various language versions of these ToS, the Slovak language version is to be considered as the decisive and valid version.In case that the Game itself is translated into different languages, the binding translation of the texts and offers in such a Game is the Slovak or English version. Any other translations are for reference only, are not binding and the Operator does not guarantee their accuracy.
  13. The legal order of the Slovak Republic is applied exclusively for these ToS and all legal relations between the operator and the user.
  14. Should any provision of these ToS be or become invalid, ineffective or unrealizable, the validity, effectiveness and feasibility of the remaining provisions of these ToS shall not be affected.
  15. Any potential disputes which may arise in the future between the user and the operator shall be dealt with by voluntary settlement. If no agreement can be reached and should a lawsuit arise, the court competent to resolve the dispute shall be the respective court of arbitration in the seat of the operator.